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Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance


15 Hours 16:30 - 20:15

مصطفى الخياط Corporate Governance

Managerial Skills Development

Managerial Skills Development


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

خليل العتوم Management and Leadership

Motivation and Leadership Skills for Managers

Motivation and Leadership Skills for Managers


12 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

عبدالله عبيدات Management and Leadership

Managerial Skills Development and Banking Ethics

Managerial Skills Development and Banking Ethics


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

خضر العباسي Management and Leadership

Excel to Excel (MS Excel Skills and Techniques)

Excel to Excel (MS Excel Skills and Techniques)


15 Hours 16:30 - 19:30

ياسر المفالحة Basic Skills

Basic Management Skills

Basic Management Skills


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

حمزة عبده Management and Leadership

Corporate Governance in Financial and Banking Institutions

Corporate Governance in Financial and Banking Institutions


12 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

- Corporate Governance

Managerial Skills Development

Managerial Skills Development


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

خليل العتوم Management and Leadership

Conflict management for managers

Conflict management for managers


7.5 Hours 16:30 - 19:00

فادي داود Management and Leadership

Motivation and Leadership Skills for Managers

Motivation and Leadership Skills for Managers


9 Hours 16:30 - 19:30

عمر الطراونة Management and Leadership

MS Excel 2016 (Basic and Advanced)

MS Excel 2016 (Basic and Advanced)


15 Hours 16:30 - 20:15

ياسر المفالحة Basic Skills

Decisions Making & Crisis Management

Decisions Making & Crisis Management


9 Hours 16:30 - 19:30

خالد الشاويش Management and Leadership