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Training Fields

Financing and Investment Patterns and in Islamic Banks

Financing and Investment Patterns and in Islamic Banks


12 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

موسى القضاة Islamic Banking

Introduction to Business Innovation

Introduction to Business Innovation


6 Hours 9:00 - 15:00

رلى حبش Digitization and Recent…

Introduction to Business Innovation

Introduction to Business Innovation


6 Hours 9:00 - 15:00

رلى حبش Digitization and Recent…

ادارة الغضب والتوتر (Anger and Stress Management)

ادارة الغضب والتوتر (Anger and Stress Management)


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

صالح الكردي Behavioral Skills

Practical Implementations for Handling Documents under UCP 600 and ISBP 821

Practical Implementations for Handling Documents under UCP 600 and ISBP 821


30 Hours 16:30 - 20:15

نضال صافي Support Operations

Central Banks Digital Currencies

Central Banks Digital Currencies


12 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

طارق المحيسن Digitization and Recent…

Basel Committee Accord and Risk Management

Basel Committee Accord and Risk Management


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

فلاح كوكش Risk

Securities Valuation

Securities Valuation


12 Hours 17.00 - 20:00

د. حمزة جرادات Treasury &…

Financial Analysis

Financial Analysis


14 Hours 17:00 - 20:30

محمد صالح Finance

Understanding Wire Transfers and SWIFT Messages

Understanding Wire Transfers and SWIFT Messages


14 Hours 16:30 - 20:00

- Support Operations