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Information Technology and Cyber Security

Information Technology and Cyber Security


3 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

ميس بدارنة Digitization and Recent…

Social Performance for MFIs

Social Performance for MFIs


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

رولا المحيسن / رنيم حسين Micro, Small and Medium…

Electronic Payment Channels and Tools (Mobile and Internet)

Electronic Payment Channels and Tools (Mobile and Internet)


10 Hours 17:00 - 19:30

- Digitization and Recent…

Introduction to Information Security and Cyber Security

Introduction to Information Security and Cyber Security


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

محمد الخضري Digitization and Recent…

Small Business Simulation

Small Business Simulation


15 Hours 17:00 - 20:15

زياد الرفاعي / دانه… Micro, Small and Medium…

Financing Patterns in Islamic Banks

Financing Patterns in Islamic Banks


9 Hours 16:30 - 19:30

عبدالله عطية Islamic Banking

Micro and Microfinance Industry

Micro and Microfinance Industry


12 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

مجدي حماد / عصام شنوده Micro, Small and Medium…

Wholesale and Retail Payment Systems

Wholesale and Retail Payment Systems


12 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

ابراهيم الرمضان Digitization and Recent…