By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :
- Apply a structured approach to corporate banking credit assessment.
- Analyze and interpret key financial ratios and covenants used in the credit lending process.
- Evaluate the client’s risk and provide them with a proper term sheet.
- Differentiate between the different types of loans and sources of repayment.
- Identify the importance of being the client advisor rather than the lender and how to provide the non-financial services for corporate clients.
- Differentiate between corporate lending and project finance lending.
- Relationship officers, Relationship Managers, Credit officers, Junior credit and relationship officers, branch managers and assistant managers, branch customer services officers and managers, Corporate Customer Services Officers, lawyers from the bank legal department, corporate credit audit employees.
- Relationship officers, Relationship Managers, Credit officers, Junior credit and relationship officers, branch managers and assistant managers, branch customer services officers and managers, Corporate Customer Services Officers, lawyers from the bank legal department, corporate credit audit employees.
- Legal types of corporates.
- Difference between the retail client and the corporate client.
- Why do companies need funding?
- Understanding capital structure.
- Understanding the sources of debt and repayment sources.
- Types of credit facilities (direct and indirect facilities).
- Introduction to financial statements analysis.
- Statements structure and composition.
- Where to focus on the financial statements as a credit expert?
- How to test the borrower’s ability to repay the debt?
- What is the importance of projections and sensitivity analysis?
- Linking cash flow and business risks.
- Understanding the debt covenants and their impact on the loan pricing.
- The 15 rules in Credit lending.
- Prepare your checklist “what do we need from the client in order to prepare
the credit recommendation report?”.
- How to prepare the client term sheet (client offer) like an expert?
- Credit risk components and drivers.
- How to finance the working capital needs and long-term assets?
- Risk analysis framework.
- Assessing credit risk and business risk assessment.
- Credit report major content.
- Understand the difference between corporate lending and Project Finance.
- Introduction the syndication loans.
- Investment decisions criteria.
- Case studies.