We launched a digital platform for the institute that provides it’s trainees with options to choose any type of training methodologies (IDL, In-Class , Blended , Self-paced) .
This step comes in line with the vision of IBS which focuses on the leadership in training and professional Development; regionally and locally, and to achieve the strategic goal to raise the operational efficiency, also simplify the training process, for both participants and IBS Staff through many provided service.
The platform provides services for both trainees and trainers to facilitate their engagement in the training process.
The platform provides many services / features available for trainees:
- Online Enrollment in training activities.
- Enabling the trainees to register online, browse the scheduled training activities at the platform.
- Online payment with multiple available payment channels.
- Online exams.
- Online evaluation of training activities.
- Issuing E-Certificates for participants.
- Provide Communication tools for participants (chat, Video calls, Forum,...etc.).
- Issuing of financial Claims.
- Provide Reports and statistics required by different IBS divisions.
Also the platform provides many services/features for trainers:
- Enable trainers to register online and enter all required information in the registration form.
- Trainer can upload files, videos, photos and any type of files at the training activity page to interact in more efficient way with participants.
- Manage Attendance and Absence Counting Process electronically.
- Calculate Trainers Wages Electronically.
- Online evaluation of trainees.