By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :
- Identify the intersections of GRC and global changes .
- Develop robust compliance practices and procedures within their organisation, looking at best practice to identify, analyse, and resolve current issues whilst building a dynamic future system.
- Compliance professionals .
- Regulators.
- Legal, audit, risk, operations and IT specialists .
- Compliance officers/managers and their deputies .
- Managers with responsibilit.y for internal compliance controls.
- Managers and executives .
- Professionals risk managers .
- Legal advisers and lawyers.
- Legislations and the global regulatory environment .
- Internal governance and compliance structure.
- Risk environment for FIs .
- Types of risks and controls .
- Risk assessment .
- Risk Matrix .
- Compliance functions/ program .
- Compliance with risk-based approach .
- GRC and compliance monitoring program .
- Governance, risk & compliance (GRC) framework .
- Recent regulations or trends in compliance .
- Development of RegTech, RiskTech and DataTech .
- Case studies.