تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Introduction to Financial Markets and Products
Introduction to Financial Markets and Products
عمر حتامله
عدد الساعات
فترة الانعقاد
أيام النشاط التدريبي
16:30 - 20:15
تصنيفات النشاط التدريبي
الخزينة والاستثمار
لغة النشاط التدريبي
نوع التدريب
دورات قصيرة
اخر موعد للتسجيل
السعر للأردني
120 JOD
السعر لغير الأردني
300 US$

By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :
-    Distinguish between the various markets (e.g. Bonds, FX, Stocks, derivatives etc.), trading structures (Over-the-counter and exchange-traded, etc.) and settlement processes.
-    Define and describe the Money Market instruments (E.g. T-bills, CDs, CPs, Time deposits etc.) and discuss the current funding rates and the Libor transition.
-    Identify the main MM market players and appreciate the critical role played by money markets in liquidity management.
-    Distinguish between the FX markets (spot and forward) and describe the various characteristics of these markets. 
-    Understand the role of FX in financial economies.
-    Acquire an understanding of bonds and the various terms and conditions they usually have.
-    Recognize the characteristics of bonds using concepts of duration, Convexity and yield.
-    Price different types of bonds and understand the concept of time value of money.
-    Define the equities and commodities.
-    Define derivatives, describe the features, and uses of derivatives (Futures, Swaps, Options, Credit Derivatives).

الفئة المستهدفة

-  Professionals working in:
- Treasury .
- Risk .
- Capital Management.
- Regulatory Compliance.
- Audit.


-    Overview of Financial Markets types:
-    Difference between exchange-traded and OTC markets and their uses.
-    Advantages and disadvantage of exchanges and OTC markets.
-    Settlement processes and Central Clearing.
-    Money Market and Foreign Exchange Markets and Products:
-    Cash instruments and markets.
-    Repo Markets .
-    FX instruments and markets.
-    Case Study and exercises.
-    Bonds :
-    Bonds Types  (by issuer and by coupon payment and other features) .
-    Bonds market and trade execution .
-    Valuation of Bonds.
-    Bond Sensitivity.
-    Practical exercise on Bonds valuation and sensitivities.
-    Equities and Commodities Markets:
-    Types of Equities.
-    Equity Indices .
-    Types of Commodities.
-    Practical exercise on Equities valuation and sensitivities .
-    Introduction to Derivatives:
-    Overview of the products and markets.
-    Forward and Futures contracts and markets.
-    Swaps contracts and markets.
-    Options contracts and markets .
-    Credit Derivatives contracts and markets .

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