By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to:
- Identify the importance of Foreign Exchange Market.
- Distinguish between Base Currency & Quoted Currency in a currency pair.
- Analyze the movement in FX-Rates by identifying the “pips”.
- Apply exercises in Spot Market.
- Calculate net position on several spot trades.
- Calculate cross-rates from pairs of exchange rates.
- Specify the main characteristics of financial derivatives and their relationships with the underlying assets.
- Select the right type of derivatives amongst Futures, FX Forward & Swaps, Options, IRS, FRA, for risk hedging.
- Describe the structure and mechanics of an FX forward and the forward points.
- Differentiate between options contracts and calculating the payoff of each type.
- Distinguish between the interest rate hedging tools (FRA & IRS) and understand their mechanism.
- ZagTrader Employees.
- The objective of this course is to provide awareness of the spot exchange rate quotations by understanding the FX spot dealing terminology and be able to calculate FX net position. To practice in how generating the FX cross rates. To recognize the principal risks in foreign exchange market, and how to hedge against foreign exchange risk. To explore the use of basic types of derivative instruments (Futures contracts/Forward foreign exchange & Foreign exchange swap/Options/Forward rate agreement FRA/Interest rate swap IRS).
- By the end of the course, trainees will have good knowledge of how these products work, how they are used, and how financial institutions/customers hedge their risk exposures.
- Foreign Exchange Market along with examples and applications.
- Futures, FX Forward & Swaps along with examples and applications.
- Options (Call and Put) / Combining the Positions along with examples and applications.
- Interest rate swap IRS along with examples and applications.
- Forward rate agreement FRA along with examples and applications.