تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental Analysis
عبد الرحمن السعدي
عدد الساعات
فترة الانعقاد
أيام النشاط التدريبي
17:00 - 20:00
تصنيفات النشاط التدريبي
لغة النشاط التدريبي
نوع التدريب
دورات قصيرة
اخر موعد للتسجيل
السعر للأردني
120 JOD
السعر لغير الأردني
225 US$

By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :

- Understand the fundamentals of the accounting cycle by providing trainees with basic knowledge about the components and stages of the accounting cycle.

- Develop accounting recording skills by teaching trainees how to accurately and effectively record financial transactions in the general journal.

- Enhance posting skills by training trainees on how to post to the general ledger and prepare a trial balance.

- Prepare final accounts by equipping trainees with the ability to perform adjustments and accurately prepare the final accounts.

- Prepare financial statements by teaching trainees how to prepare key financial statements, such as the income statement and the balance sheet.

- Prepare effective financial reports by training trainees on how to effectively prepare and present financial reports to meet the needs of internal and external users.

- Familiarize with accounting software by providing trainees with knowledge about common accounting software.

- Compliance with accounting standards by enhancing trainees understanding of the importance of complying with local and international accounting standards and their impact on financial reporting.

الفئة المستهدفة

-     ZagTrader Employees.

الهدف العام

- Provide trainees with a solid understanding of basic accounting principles and financial statements. The course aims to equip learners with the skills needed to interpret financial data, understand a company's financial position, and make informed business decisions based on financial information. Trainees will typically learn about the accounting cycle, the preparation and analysis of key financial statements.


A. Accounting principles used in assembling financial statements:

- Definition and purpose of accounting.

- Importance of accounting in business operations.

- Key accounting principles and concepts.

- Introduction to assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses.

- The accounting equation. 

- Explanation of debits and credits.

- Explanation of journal entries, ledgers, and trial balances.

- Recording transactions using debits and credits.

B. The Financial Statements: An Overview:

- Income Statement: Understanding revenue, expenses, and net income.

- Balance Sheet: Understanding assets, liabilities, and equity.

- Cash Flow Statement: Tracking cash inflows and outflows.

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