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Certificate for Specialists in Demand Guarantees (CSDG) Exam Jan. 2025 Registrations
Certificate for Specialists in Demand Guarantees (CSDG) Exam Jan. 2025 Registrations
عدد الساعات
فترة الانعقاد
تصنيفات النشاط التدريبي
London Institute for Banking and Finance LIBF/UK
لغة النشاط التدريبي
تفاعلي عن بعد
نوع التدريب
اخر موعد للتسجيل
السعر للأردني
650 JOD
السعر لغير الأردني
918 US$
  • Demand guarantees – including tender, performance and advance payment
  • Indemnities, Suretyships and standby letters of credit and how they compare
  • Scope of industry rules including URDG 758 and ISP 98
  • Parties involved in demand guarantees and their roles and obligations
  • Risk issues including types, control and mitigations
  • Impact of external factors including governing law and force majeure

CSDG has been designed to enable demand guarantee professionals to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise.

The qualification will develop students’ understanding in the use of guarantees, industry rules, legislation and the challenges relating to demand guarantees and standby credits. CSDG enables students to demonstrate a high level of expertise and improves knowledge and understanding of the complex issues associated with demand guarantee best practice.


Principles and Practices of Demand Guarantees

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