AML Officers and Managers in addition to Front liners and Back office staff participating in the process of financial transaction:
- Banking Industry
- Insurance and reinsurance Companies
- Brokerage Firms
- Leasing and Microfinance Companies
- Lending Firms
- Exchange Houses and Money Service Business
Workers in the supervisory authorities e.g.:
- Central Banks
- Financial Sector Regulatory Authorities
- Financial Intelligence Units FIUs
- Tax Authorities
- Related Ministries and government bodies
Workers at the (AML solutions firms), who provide Transactions Monitoring systems.
AMLS Certification program helps candidates build an AML customer risk rating system, transaction monitoring systems and scenarios, investigation best practices, how to implement an AML risk-based approach, FIU reporting, and much more.
تعرف على أفضل ممارسات مكافحة غسل الاموال بالإضافة الى إلى أنظمة وإجراءات مراقبة المعاملات من خلال المنهج القائم على المخاطر.
Learning Objectives
Understand AML & CTF
- What is the “Original Crime”?
- Understand the exact Concept of Money Laundering and why the bad guys do it?
- The Consequences of money laundering
- Counter-Terrorism Financing
How they Do it?
- Know the most common and the new money laundering scenarios
- Financial sector
- Non-financial sector
- Shell Companies
- International Transactions
- Customer Behavior
- New Technologies in Practice (Blockchain)
- Virtual currencies
Advanced AML-Banking
- Types of Nesting and Down Streaming in correspondent banking
- Correspondent Bank Risk Rating
- What is okay and What’s not
- TMS Umbrella and Internal Accounts
Transactions Monitoring- In Practice
- How to Detect, How to re-act
- What AML scenario you should have
- Alerts investigation (Case Management), How to conduct a smart EDD
- Reporting How to deal with management and FIUs
- Mind and Way of Thinking for the AML Manager
- How can an AML manager maintain a business and a happy customer?
- Fintech (AI & RPA)
AML Risk-Based Approach
- Understand the AML risk Based approach and how to do it
- How to calculate the overall customer risk score
- AML Program Risk Self-Assessment
Legal and Regulatory Structures
- The Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
- AML Program